Official Statistics of Sweden
Sweden's Official Statistics (SOS) are statistics that are particularly important for describing Sweden. Official statistics contribute to the development of our society by being objective and relevant, which benefits citizens.
The Public Health Agency of Sweden has been tasked by the Government to be responsible for the official statistics within two statistical areas: The development of public health and Communicable disease control. As a government agency responsible for statistics, we are responsible for ensuring that:
- the statistics are objective;
- the statistics are documented; and
- the statistics are accompanied by a quality declaration.
Official statistics must be kept publicly available free of charge on the internet. All official statistics must bear the text Sweden’s official statistics and/or carry the symbol.
![Official statistics](/contentassets/50310b2667e04ef5b50de35141163481/logo-officiell-statistik-engelska-500.png)
The logo and the text Sweden's official statistics may not be used in further processing of the official statistics.
Government agency network
There are about thirty government agencies in Sweden who are responsible for the official statistics. Statistics Sweden is responsible for coordinating and supporting the system for official statistics.
To read more about what constitutes official statistics and which government agencies form part of the network, visit Statistics Sweden's website: