Wholesale of tobacco products
A permit is required for wholesale of tobacco products in Sweden. Tobacco products you provide must for example have correct health warnings and be registered in the traceability system.
Wholesale of tobacco products
When providing tobacco products to other wholesalers or retailers in Sweden, you should be aware of the following:
- Wholesale of tobacco products are subject to a permit. You apply for a permit at the local municipality. The municipality may charge fees for the permit.
- You, as an economic operator, and your facility or facilities must have identification codes issued by the national ID issuer. This is so deliveries of tobacco products can be registered in the traceability system.
- Packaging of tobacco products that lacks health warnings or does not meet the legal requirements of the health warnings may not be provided to retailers in Sweden. You may also not supply tobacco products to retailers in Sweden if traceability labelling and security features are missing.
- If you have any questions about marketing of tobacco products, please contact the Swedish Consumer Agency.
Publicly available information on tobacco products
Swedish Consumer Agency (konsumentverket.se)
The tobacco traceability system – this applies to wholesalers and distributors
Wholesalers must now apply for a permit to sell tobacco
Factsheet informing about the new rules for the selling of tobacco that come into force on 1 July 2019. Wholesalers who wish to sell tobacco products to parties other than consumers must now apply for a permit from the municipality in order to do so.
Read more about the requirement for different types of tobacco products
- Requirements on cigarettes
- Requirements on novel tobacco product
- Requirements on roll-your-own tobacco
- Requirements on smokeless tobacco products
- Requirements on tobacco products for smoking
- Requirements on waterpipe tobacco
Apply for a permit of wholesale to the municipality in Sweden
A permit together with a self-monitoring programme is required in order to be able to conduct wholesale of tobacco products in Sweden.
- Wholesaler who have a registered office in Sweden must apply for a permit to the municipality where the company has its registered office.
- Wholesaler who does not have a registered office in Sweden must apply for a permit to the municipality where the company has a permanent place of business.
Please contact the municipality for more information about the application.
Self-monitoring and self-monitoring programme
A wholesaler of tobacco products must practice self-monitoring and ensure that an appropriate self-monitoring programme exists and is enforced.
The self-monitoring programme and other information needed for the municipality must be attached when you apply for a permit for wholesale of tobacco products. Any changes to submitted information must be reported immediately to the municipality.