Requirements on waterpipe tobacco
Waterpipe tobacco intended for consumers on the Swedish market must comply with the rules in the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products and other relevant legislation. For example the Act on Tobacco Tax.
What is waterpipe tobacco?
Waterpipe tobacco is a tobacco product that can be consumed via a waterpipe. Waterpipe tobacco is deemed to be a tobacco product for smoking. If a product can be used both via waterpipes and as roll-your-own tobacco, it shall be deemed to be roll-your-own tobacco.
There are different street names for waterpipe tobacco, some of the more common ones are hookah and shisha.
Requirements in the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products
- Reporting obligations on waterpipe tobacco
- Product requirements on waterpipe tobacco
- Labelling requirements on waterpipe tobacco
Requirement in other legislation
In Sweden, there are requirements in other legislation than the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products that applies to waterpipe tobacco.
- Act on Tobacco Tax. If you have questions about excise duty on tobacco that must be paid on tobacco goods manufactured in, imported into, or received in Sweden – either from another EU country or from a country outside the EU, please contact the Swedish Tax Agency.
Act (2022:155) on Tobacco Tax ( (in Swedish)

Reporting obligations on waterpipe tobacco
Manufacturers or importers of waterpipe tobacco are required to report the ingredients and pay a mandatory fee for each product intended to be available to consumers on the Swedish market. Each year you must also fulfil the annual reporting obligation for your reported products and pay a mandatory fee.
Product requirements on waterpipe tobacco
Waterpipe tobacco must meet set product requirements when provided to consumers on the Swedish market. For example, products must not contain vitamins, caffeine or taurine.
Labelling requirements on waterpipe tobacco
Waterpipe tobacco that are available to consumers on the Swedish market must carry health warnings in Swedish on its packages. The health warning consists of a general warning, an information message, and a combined health warning that includes smoking cessation information.