Antibiotic Smart Sweden - a whole-of-society approach

Our misuse of antibiotics is a global threat to human and animal health, which also impact our abilities to meet several of the sustainability goals in Agenda 2030. This is what motivated the creation of the whole-of-society approach Antibiotic Smart Sweden.

Antibiotic Smart Sweden is driven by a vision of a society where everyone helps to keep antibiotics working and saving lives, based on the understanding that antibiotic resistance is not just a medical issue, but a public health issue that is relevant to the whole of society.

We promote innovation, inspire and engage citizens and local governments to be “antibiotic-smart”. This means developing and testing new solutions to facilitate change across diverse sectors and organisations.

We create an environment where different types of actors can establish long-term relationships and work together to create new working methods and strengthen existing ones.

To raise awareness among the public, we use behavioural insights to reach different target groups in the population for knowledge and behavioural change. We also share our experiences with international partners and look for inspiration from innovative practices from around the world.

Logotyp för Antibiotikasmart Sverige