Requirements on herbal products for smoking
Manufacturers or importers of herbal product for smoking are required to report the ingredients for each product intended to be available to consumers on the Swedish market. The products must also carry health warnings in Swedish on its packages.
Reporting of ingredients
Herbal products for smoking intended for consumers in Sweden must be reported to us before they can be sold. In Sweden, manufacturer or importers of herbal products for smoking must submit the reporting of ingredients.
- If the manufacturer is established in the EU, it is primarily the manufacturer who is obliged to report the information.
- If the manufacturer is established in a country that is not a member of the EU or the EEA (European Economic Area), but the importer is established in the EU, it is primarily the importer who is required to report the information.
- If both the manufacturer and the importer are established in a country that is not a member of the EU or the EEA, they are jointly obliged to report the information.
The submission must be submitted via EU-CEG 6 weeks prior to the placing on the Swedish market of a new or modified herbal product for smoking. When you no longer provide a product in Sweden, remember to withdraw the Swedish product presentation in EU-CEG.
Information in the reporting of ingredients
The submission must include a list of all ingredients, and quantities thereof, that are used in the manufacture of such products by brand name and type. You must also inform us when the composition of a product is modified in a way that changes previous submitted information.
You have the option to mark any information that you consider to be confidential or a trade secret in your submission. At our request, you must substantiate these claims.
It is important that the submitter details in EU-CEG are complete and accurate, such as e-mail address and postal address. We will use this information in our communication with you.
Submitter ID and EU-CEG
You need an EU Login account and an EU-CEG Submitter ID in order to report ingredients of herbal products for smoking via EU-CEG to us. You apply for an EU-CEG Submitter ID on the European Commission website EU Common Entry Gate (EU-CEG).
Publicly available information on herbal products for smoking
Information that is not confidential about submitted herbal products for smoking is displayed in the list:
Publicly available information on herbal products for smoking
About the list:
- Presented in the list are products that consumers can expect to find on the Swedish market. Meaning products that were reported at least six weeks ago, whose submitted launch date has passed and submitted withdrawal date has not passed.
- The list only contains information about reported products. We have not verified that these products meet all legal requirements.
- Published ingredients per product is not a complete declaration of all the ingredients in the product. Ingredients that make up a very small amount of the product are considered to be trade secrets and are not public.
- The list is updated once a month. This may cause some delay before newly launched products are visible in the list, and before products that have been withdrawn from the Swedish market are removed from the list.
Labelling requirements
The labelling requirements cover packaging. Packaging includes:
- Unit packet, the smallest individual packaging of an herbal product for smoking that is available on the market.
- Outside packaging, any packaging in which an herbal product for smoking are available on the market and which includes a unit packet or an aggregation of unit packets; transparent wrappers are not regarded as outside packaging.
Herbal products for smoking that are available to consumers on the Swedish market must carry health warnings in Swedish on its packages. As a manufacturer or importer, you are responsible for ensuring that the packet carries correct health warnings. There are also some elements or features that may not be presented on the packaging of herbal products for smoking, prohibited product presentation.
Health warnings
Illustrations of health warnings – On packaging of electronic cigarettes and refill containers, tobacco free nicotine products, tobacco products and herbal products for smoking
The publication contains information on how health warnings are regulated as well as illustrations that exemplify how health warnings can be designed and placed on different types of packaging for electronic cigarettes and refill containers, herbal products for smoking, tobacco free nicotine products and tobacco products. Please note that the illustrations are non-binding.
Prohibited product presentation
Packaging of herbal products for smoking must not include any elements or features that:
- Suggests that a particular product is less harmful than other such products.
- Information about the nicotine, tar or carbon monoxide content of the product.
- Resembles a food product.
- Resembles a cosmetic product.
Requirement in other legislation
- Excise duty. If you have questions about excise duty regarding herbal products for smoking, please contact the Swedish Tax Agency.