Labelling requirements on novel tobacco product
Novel tobacco products that are available to consumers on the Swedish market must carry health warnings in Swedish on its packages. The health warnings for novel tobacco products differs depending on if it is a smokeless tobacco product or a tobacco product for smoking.
The labelling requirements cover packaging. Packaging includes:
- Unit packet, the smallest individual packaging of novel tobacco products that is available on the market.
- Outside packaging, any packaging in which novel tobacco products are available on the market and which includes a unit packet or an aggregation of unit packets; transparent wrappers are not regarded as outside packaging.
Novel tobacco products that are available to consumers on the Swedish market must carry health warnings in Swedish on its packages. The health warnings for novel tobacco products differs depending on if it is a smokeless tobacco product or a tobacco product for smoking.
As a manufacturer or importer you are responsible for ensuring that the packet carries correct health warnings. There are also some elements or features that may not be presented on the packaging of novel tobacco products or the product itself, prohibited product presentation.
Health warning
The Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/2100 states that heated tobacco products must carry a general warning, an information message, and a combined health warning that includes smoking cessation information. This provision must be applied from 23 October 2023. Please note that these rules is proposed to enter into force in May 2024 in Sweden.
Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/2100 (
Illustrations of health warnings – On packaging of electronic cigarettes and refill containers, tobacco free nicotine products, tobacco products and herbal products for smoking
The publication contains information on how health warnings are regulated as well as illustrations that exemplify how health warnings can be designed and placed on different types of packaging for electronic cigarettes and refill containers, herbal products for smoking, tobacco free nicotine products and tobacco products. Please note that the illustrations are non-binding.
Prohibited product presentation
Packaging of novel tobacco products or the product itself must not include any elements or features that:
- Suggests that a particular product is less harmful than other such products.
- Information about the nicotine, tar or carbon monoxide content of the product.
- Resembles a food product.
- Resembles a cosmetic product.
- Suggests that a certain product has environmental advantages.
- Refers to taste, smell, any flavourings or other additives.