The tobacco traceability system – this applies to retailers
Retailers, operators of first retail outlets, who sell tobacco products to consumers, are responsible for having economic operator identifier codes and facility identifier codes for their facilities, and that the information provided is correct and up-to-date.
Request for identifier codes from the ID issuer
You as a retailer, trading in tobacco products must have identifier codes, one economic operator identifier code and facility identifier codes, one for each facility you operate.
The request shall be sent to the national ID issuer, All Soft Corp s.r.o. You can either apply yourself or give your consent to your supplier or distributor to apply for these codes for you. If you are requesting for the codes yourself, it is important that you share the identifier codes with your tobacco suppliers. If the application is made by one of your tobacco suppliers, it is important that you give the information about these codes to any other tobacco suppliers you have.
The information about you as an operator and your facilities must be correct and up to date. If your circumstances changes, e.g. address, company name, e-mail address, contact person, etc. you must update the information without delay. If your business ceases, you must deactivate your identifier codes.
Request for identifier
The request for identifier codes is made in two steps. You receive your economic operator identifier code by registering via the form available on the ID issuer's website. You can then log into the ID issuer's system to request for facility identifier codes for your facility or facilities.
It is important that the facility is listed as type First Retail Outlet.
For information on how to proceed, visit the ID issuer's website.
The information of you as an operator of a first retail outlet and regarding your facilities must be correct. If there are any changes in the information provided in the application, or if your business ceases, you must report this to the ID issuer immediately. If your business case to exist, the ID issuer shall de-register the economic operator identifier code. The de-registration of an economic operator identifier code results in an automatic de-registration of related facility identifier codes.
If you do not have any identifier codes, you cannot receive deliveries of cigarettes or rolling tobacco.
There are also requirements for a permit for trading in tobacco products. An issued identification code does not replace the requirement to apply for such a permit.