Tobacco products

In Sweden, tobacco products are regulated by the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products. This legislation regulates for example reporting of ingredients, annual reporting, product and labelling requirements, sales and marketing of tobacco products.

Products that are not classified as tobacco products

The following products are not classified as tobacco products according to the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products:

  • Tobacco products classified as a narcotic drug or a substance harmful to health. These products are regulated by the Penal Law on Narcotics or the Prohibition of Certain Goods Dangerous to Health Act.

Market surveillance and supervision of tobacco products

Only tobacco products that comply with the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products may be available on the Swedish market. Please note that this also applies to tobacco products intended for free circulation entering the European Union market.

A market surveillance or supervision authority can decide on an injunction or prohibition, with or without a fine, if a non-compliant tobacco product is available on the Swedish market, or if the sale of tobacco products is non-compliant with the rules.

The regulations on which this information is based

You are obliged to comply with the laws and regulations concerning tobacco products. It is therefore your own responsibility to acquire knowledge of these. The information on this website is only intended to serve as an aid to you and does not replace what is stated in the law. There may also be other laws, or regulations from other authorities, that you need to be aware of. The Agency cannot guarantee that the information on this website is always up to date.

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