Reporting obligations on tobacco products for smoking
Manufacturers or importers of tobacco products for smoking are required to report the ingredients and pay a mandatory fee for each product intended to be available to consumers on the Swedish market. Each year you must also fulfil the annual reporting obligation for your reported products and pay a mandatory fee.
Reporting of ingredients and annual reporting obligation
Tobacco products for smoking intended for consumers in Sweden must be reported to us before they can be sold. Each year there is an annual reporting obligation. In Sweden, manufacturer or importers of the product must submit the reporting of ingredients and fulfill the annual reporting obligation.
- If the manufacturer is established in the EU, it is primarily the manufacturer who is obliged to report the information.
- If the manufacturer is established in a country that is not a member of the EU or the EEA (European Economic Area), but the importer is established in the EU, it is primarily the importer who is required to report the information.
- If both the manufacturer and the importer are established in a country that is not a member of the EU or the EEA, they are jointly obliged to report the information.
Fees for the reporting of ingredients and the annual reporting obligation
We charge mandatory fees:
- SEK 13,000, for the reporting of ingredients of each brand and type of tobacco products for smoking. A fee for the reporting of ingredients is charged:
- The first time a product is submitted to Sweden.
- When a product is relaunched on the Swedish market after it has been withdrawn from this market.
- When a substantial modification is submitted, which modifies the composition of a reported product in a way that affects the previously provided information.
- SEK 1,500, for the annual reporting of each brand and type of tobacco products for smoking.
We will send an invoice to the manufacturer or importer that submits the reporting the month after the submission has been made in EU-CEG. This payment instruction will state how much you must pay and to which account the payment must be made. The payment must be made within 30 days from the day the payment instruction was issued.
Payment information
Beneficiary: Folkhälsomyndigheten, Nobels väg 18, 171 82 Solna
VAT no: SE202100654501
Bank adress: Danske Bank, Box 7523, 103 92 Stockholm
Account No: 12810122075
IBAN: SE94 1200 0000 0128 1012 2075
Reporting of ingredients
The submission must be submitted via EU-CEG 8 weeks prior to the placing on the Swedish market of a new or modified product. When you no longer provide a product in Sweden, remember to withdraw the Swedish product presentation in EU-CEG. This submission must also be made no later than 8 weeks before the product is withdrawn. If the withdrawal could not have been foreseen, this submission must be made immediately.
Information in the reporting of ingredients
The reporting of ingredients must contain the following information by brand name and type:
- A list of all ingredients, and quantities thereof, used in the manufacture of the product. The ingredients must be sorted in descending order according to the weight of each ingredient included in the product.
- Each reported ingredient must also:
- Be accompanied by a statement setting out the reasons for the inclusion of such in the product.
- Indicate the status of the ingredient, including whether it has been registered under the REACH regulation.
- Indicate the classification of the ingredient under the CLP regulation.
- Be accompanied by the relevant toxicological data regarding the ingredients in burnt or unburned form, as appropriate, referring in particular to their effects on the health of consumers and taking into account, inter alia, any addictive effects.
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (
You have the option to mark any information that you consider to be confidential or a trade secret in your submission. At our request, you must substantiate these claims.
It is important that the submitter details in EU-CEG are complete and accurate, such as e-mail address and postal address. We will use this information in our communication with you.
Annual reporting obligation
As a manufacturer or importer of tobacco products for smoking you must annually, no later than the 31st of January each year, for the previous year, submit the following information about the product to us via EU-CEG:
- Available internal and external studies on market research and preferences of various consumer groups, including young people and current smokers, relating to ingredients and emissions. You do not have to re-report previously submitted internal and external studies.
- Executive summaries of any market surveys you have carried out when launching new products.
- The Swedish sales volume per brand and type, in sticks or kilograms.
Publicly available information on tobacco products for smoking
Submitter ID and EU-CEG
You need an EU Login account and an EU-CEG Submitter ID in order to report ingredients of herbal products for smoking via EU-CEG to us. You apply for an EU-CEG Submitter ID on the European Commission website EU Common Entry Gate (EU-CEG).